Our beautiful town of Salem may be covered in ice, and our toes might be colder than a banker’s smile, but on Monday we strapped chains to our tires and have managed to make it to the post office each day this week, and plan on continuing to do so. We know there are a bunch of you out there who might need to get some stuff for winter gifts, and if you have to bite that bullet, might as well spread some anarchist joy while doing it. All orders shipped via Priority Mail should get to their destination by the 25th as long as the orders are submitted to us by 3PM Pacific time on Saturday the 20th. Of course, the USPS doesn’t guarantee that, so the earlier you submit your order, the better. We will make sure that every Priority Mail order received before 5PM will go out on the same day—after 5PM and it will go out the next day. A couple suggestions: we find that Off the Map makes a perfect gift for just about anybody, and you can get 6 copies via Priority for $14, or for more experienced activists, it’s hard to beat a copy of Expect Resistance, of which you can get 10 copies shipped Priority for $60. Or you could just take a stand and not buy anything out of stupid, ritualistic obligation—that’s more than OK with us.