In early June, we announced our proposal for a month of anarchist outreach and visibility actions. Within weeks we received announcements of localized event schedules across the US and beyond. Tours are currently criss-crossing the country; dozens of Really Really Free Markets [RRFM] will assemble; convergences and reading groups will open their doors. This August, anarchists are stepping into visibility with mutual aid and resistance.

There are currently three publicly-announced touring groups on the road. The Conspiracy Tour is circling the country to build support for the targets of state repression in the anarchist community and presenting legal training for communities of resistance. The Emergency Tour is traveling through the midwest, visiting primarily small towns to present an introduction to anti-capitalism and mutual aid organizing. The Letters Tour is doing a short circuit mid-month to promote the new issue of their anti-political literary journal.
If you don’t see your event or action represented in this list, please email or announce it as a comment to add it to this list. If there isn’t anything happening where you live, go ahead and plan something!
We’re sending solidarity and love out to Testament and Illogik, among others, who cannot tour because of the absurd conspiracy charges brought against them in the wake of the G20 protests in Canada.
The Schedule
August 7 – Emergency Tour in Duluth, MN; Conspiracy Tour in Asheville, NC; RRFMs in Frederick, MD, Carrboro, NC, and Naples, FL
August 8 – Conspiracy Tour in Louisville, KY
August 9 – Emergency Tour in West Bend, WI; Conspiracy Tour in Bloomington, IN
August 10 – Emergency Tour in Milwaukee, WI; Conspiracy Tour in St. Louis, MO
August 11 – Conspiracy Tour in Omaha, NE
August 12 – Conspiracy Tour in Denver, CO
August 13 – Western Maryland Zine Fest begins in Frederick, MD; Conspiracy Tour in Salt Lake City, UT
August 14 – Conspiracy Tour in San Francisco, CA; RRFMs in Yellow Springs, OH, Olympia, WA, Lancaster, PA, and Parker, CO;
August 15 – RRFM + Regional Meetup in Winona, MN; Conspiracy Tour in Oakland, CA; RRFM in Olympia, WA
August 16 – Letters Tour in Cincinnati, OH; Conspiracy Tour in Santa Cruz, CA
August 17 – Emergency Tour in Madison, WI; Letters Tour in Chicago, IL;
August 18 – Emergency Tour in Champaign-Urbana, IL; Conspiracy Tour in Portland, OR; Experimental Lecture on Friendship in Carrboro, NC; Letters Tour in Milwaukee, WI
August 19 – Emergency Tour in Carbondale, IL; Conspiracy Tour in Tacoma, WA; Letters Tour in Champaign-Urbana, IL
August 20 – Letters Tour in St. Louis, MO; Emergency Tour in Carbondale, IL; Conspiracy Tour in Seattle, WA
August 21 – Letters Tour in Bloomington, IN; Emergency Tour in Cairo, IL; Conspiracy Tour in Missoula, MT; RRFMs in Fargo, ND, Baltimore, MD; Anarchist Bookfair begins in Seattle, WA
August 23 – Student Occupation Radical Convergence begins in Mankato, MN; Conspiracy Tour in Rock Island, IL
August 25 – Emergency Tour + DSM Mutual Aid in Des Moines, IA
August 26 – Emergency Tour + Conspiracy Tour in Minneapolis, MN
August 27 – Emergency Tour in Morris, MN
August 28 – RRFMs in Richmond, VA, Seattle, WA, Houston, TX; ARA call to action against Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin in Washington, DC. Also in Washington, DC, the DC Summer Anarchist Network is holding a day of workshops, tabling, fun activities, and more at St. Stephen’s Church, 1525 Newton Street Northwest, from 3 to 9 PM. Workshops include collective liberation, feminism, veganism, radical technology, prison abolition, silkscreening, practical anarchism, and TERRIBLE FREEDOM.
August 29 – RRFMs in New York, NY and Austin, TX
Additionally, some groups are planning a whole month of smaller activities. If you’re in South Florida, email S.W.A.M.P for a schedule of events in Broward County. If you’re near Frederick, MD, request a schedule. If your anarchist community has planned a similar month of scheduled events, please submit a contact email for calendar requests.