This May, to support the Czech, Polish, and German versions of To Change Everything, a rotating cast of participants from the US, Czech Republic, Germany, and the Balkans are presenting a series of speaking events in Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, and Germany.
Coinciding with this, we have added the Polish and Czech versions of To Change Everything to the website, including PDFs of the print versions.
We are planning a full US tour for the fall, bringing together participants in To Change Everything from several continents. Email rollingthunder@crimethinc.com if you can help set up an event.
May 7 Berlin, Germany – Richardplatz, a public square in Neukölln, 20:00
May 9 Prague, Czech Republic – Anarchist Book Fair, 17:00
May 11 Bratislava, Slovakia – Photoport Gallery, 19:00
May 12 Brno, Czech Republic – Tři Ocasci Tři Ocásci, 18:00
May 13 Ostrava, Czech Republic – Ojero, 18:00
May 14 Olomouc, Czech Republic – Galerie U Mloka, 19:00
May 16 Věžnička, Czech Republic – Fotbal Proti Rasismu, 14:00, FPR celý den
May 17 Most, Czech Republic – Ateneo, 17h komunitní veganská večeře/community vegan dinner
May 19 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
May 20 Kraków, Poland - Spółdzielnia “Ogniwo,” Paulińska 28, 19:00
May 21 Gliwice, Poland – CKN13
May 22 Poznan, Poland – Rozbrat with Next Victim, Zdrajcy Rządowi, 18:00
May 23 Frankfurt (Oder), Germany – Backdoor Fairbunt eV
May 27 Flensburg, Germany – Luftschlosfabrik
Climate change, economic crisis, unrest from Sarajevo to Baltimore, and now the looming threat of war: the prevailing order is unsustainable in every way. Today, even the entrenched representatives of the status quo admit that it is necessary to change everything. But the best they can come up with is to appeal to the same authorities and values that caused these problems in the first place. What would it mean to change everything?
In this presentation, anarchists from across the world discuss the struggles that are unfolding around the world and describe the anarchist alternative to lives of servitude and strife. This tour is part of a worldwide initiative by the CrimethInc. collective supporting a free multimedia introduction to anarchism in 20 languages.