We’ve mailed out all 150,000 copies of the English printing of To Change Everything, our introduction to anarchism. In case that’s not enough, our tireless designers have prepared an imposed PDF version so you can print them out and distribute them wherever you are. Please help us keep this project in circulation over the years to come! Thanks again to everyone who helped us fund the original printing.
In our zine library, you can download online viewing versions and PDFs imposed for printing, in black-and-white and in color.

Click the image above for printable PDF versions.
Altogether, over 240,000 print copies of To Change Everything are circulating now in over 30 languages, including more than 30,000 copies in German, 16,000 copies in Portuguese, and an additional 10,000 in English for the UK. Print runs of 1000 or more have appeared in Québecois French, Slovenian, and other less common tongues; versions in Arabic and Farsi were distributed along the Balkan route during the so-called “migrant crisis” of 2015; to our knowledge, it may be the only anarchist text printed in Maltese.
Having accomplished the goals we initially set for To Change Everything, we’ll put our energy and resources towards our next projects. If you are outraged that we are not making another printing of it ourselves, and you have access to considerable financial resources, please contact us and offer your assistance!