We’ve introduced a new option for printing our zines in case you need to go easy on the toner.
When you’re printing zines, do you pay for toner? We certainly didn’t, back in the day. But times change, and means of photocopying come and go. The one thing that doesn’t change is the necessity to mass-produce and distribute zines by the thousand.
It has come to our attention that some of our zine designs burn through toner at an alarming pace. This could be an obstacle for those who are paying for toner themselves. What possesses a designer to fill a zine layout with vast swathes of pitch black? Probably, among other things, never having to be the one responsible for acquiring toner cartridges. Nice work if you can get it!
Fortunately, as often happens, one industrious CrimethInc. agent had already solved this problem autonomously, preparing her own toner-lite versions of nearly three dozen of our zines. It only remained for us to make her solution accessible to everyone else.
So we’ve added a new feature to the zine library on this site: Ink Lite. If you select this option when you are downloading a zine, it will take you to a version of the design that is modified to save ink.
Don’t sleep on our zine library! It includes 126 different titles—something for everyone. We’ve recently added the zine version of our classic Civilian’s Guide to Direct Action, which has existed since 2017 but somehow never made its way into the collection until now. We’ve also added a zine version of our coverage of the RICO charges in Atlanta.
Ink Lite is not to be confused with the lite version of our site, which you can use if you don’t have a lot of internet bandwidth at your disposal and need to load this website without images. You can find the option to switch to the lite version at the very bottom of every page on the site, or just navigate directly to lite.crimethinc.com.

The good old days, when pirating copies was a collective activity and you never paid for toner.
Some of the Zines We Offer in “Ink Lite”
Out of the box, we have almost four dozen titles ready!
- A Hell of a Mistress, the Beautiful Idea—An Interview with Aragorn!
- Accounting for Ourselves—Breaking the Impasse Around Assault and Abuse in Anarchist Scenes
- Against the Logic of the Guillotine—Why the Paris Commune Burned the Guillotine—and We Should Too
- The Anarchists versus the Plague—Malatesta and the Cholera Epidemic of 1884
- Anarchy & Alcohol—Wasted Indeed, How the Fiends Came to be Civilized, et al
- Atlanta Police and Georgia State Patrol Are Guilty of Murder—The Evidence and the Motive
- Balance Sheet: Two Years against Cop City—Evaluating Strategies, Refining Tactics
- Beneath the Concrete, the Forest—Accounts from the Defense of the Atlanta Forest
- Blinding the Cyclops, Wrecking the Panopticon—Camera Hunting in the Metropolis
- The City in the Forest—Reinventing Resistance for an Age of Climate Crisis and Police Militarization
- A Demonstrator’s Guide to Responding to Gunshot Wounds
- Doxcare—Notes on Prevention and Aftercare for Those Targeted by Doxxing or Political Harassment
- Emmanuel Barthélemy—Proletarian Fighter, Blanquist Conspirator, Survivor of the Galleys, Veteran of the Uprisings of 1848, Fugitive, Duelist, Ruffian, &—Very Nearly—Assassin of Karl Marx
- Ferguson and Beyond—Fighting the Police and White Supremacy
- A Field Guide to Wheatpasting
- Fighting For Our Lives—An Anarchist Primer
- Fuck Abuse, Kill Power—Addressing the Root Causes of Sexual Harassment and Assault
- Gaetano Bresci—Tyrannicide and Defender of the People
- How To Form an Affinity Group—Essential Building Blocks of Anarchist Organization
- How to Throw a Squatted Dance Party
- How to Survive a Felony Trial—Keeping Your Head up through the Worst of It
- I Was a J20 Street Medic and Defendant—How We Survived the First J20 Trial and What We Learned along the Way
- Living in an Earthquake—The Fight Against Cop City Confronts Unprecedented Repression
- Punk—Dangerous Utopia—Revisiting the Relationship between Punk and Anarchism
- Russia: Anarchists against the Invasion of Ukraine
- The Secret World of Duvbo
- Self as Other—Reflections on Self-Care
- Seven Myths about the Police
- The Siege of the Third Precinct in Minneapolis—An Account and Analysis
- Surviving a Pandemic—Tools for Addressing Isolation, Anxiety, and Grief
- Surviving the Virus—Global Pandemic, Capitalism in Crisis, Rising Totalitarianism, Strategies of Resistance
- The Art of Politics—A Primer for Community Self-Defense
- The Fight for Gender Self-Determination—Confronting the Assault on Trans People
- The Forest in the City—Two Years of Forest Defense in Atlanta, Georgia
- The May Days—Stories of Courage and Resistance
- The Secret World of Terijian—A Children’s Story about the Magical World in Your Own Backyard
- There’s No Such Thing as Revolutionary Government—Why You Can’t Use the State to Abolish Class
- This is Anarchy—Eight Ways the Black Lives Matter and Justice for George Floyd Uprisings Reflect Anarchist Ideas in Action
- Ukraine: Background on the Russian Invasion
- Understanding the RICO Charges in Atlanta—A Sweeping Indictment Seeks to Criminalize Protest Itself
- The Uprising in Kazakhstan—An Interview and Appraisal
- We Are All Very Anxious—Six Theses on Anxiety and Why It is Effectively Preventing Militancy, and One Possible Strategy for Overcoming It
- What Will It Take to Stop the Police from Killing?
- Exercise: What Would an Anarchist Program Look Like?
- Why We Don’t Make Demands
- WR: Mysteries of the Organism—Beyond the Liberation of Desire
Now get out there and distribute zines!